Monday, January 18, 2010

Guitar Techniques - Alternate Picking Part 2

Hey Guys

Here is another excercise to practise your alternate picking.
The aim of these guitar techniques is to develope strength in both your left and right hands.

E |-----------------------------------------1-3-4-5|
B |---------------------------------1-3-4-5--------|
G |-------------------------1-3-4-5----------------|
D |-----------------1-3-4-5------------------------|
A |---------1-3-4-5--------------------------------|
E |-1-3-4-5----------------------------------------|

E |-6-5-4-2-----------------------------------------|
B |---------6-5-4-2---------------------------------|
G |-----------------6-5-4-2-------------------------|
D |-------------------------6-5-4-2-----------------|
A |---------------------------------6-5-4-2---------|
E |-----------------------------------------6-5-4-2-|

Continue up the fret board, until you cover the all the frets. Once again it's not important to be fast at first, just make sure you pick every note, making it clear, then develope speed later on.


Related Post
Guitar Techniques - Alternate picking

Guitar Video - Yngwie Malmsteen

Hey Guys!

Say what you want about Yngwie Malmsteen, he still is an awesome player, and one of the fastest I've ever seen!

Here is a video I found called Arpeggios from hell!

There's some pretty fast guitar playing from Yngwie, and some astonishing guitar techniques. He makes it look so easy!

Enjoy another sensational guitar video on Guitar Techniques Blog!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Guitar Technique - Alternate picking

Hey Guys!

The following excercise involves alternate picking. Alternate picking is a good guitar technique to develope speed in your guitar playing.

Pick every string with alternate strokes, down up down up etc.

Start off slow and cover the entire fret board.

This is one of the first things that I was shown on the guitar, and still use it today as a warm up excercise. I also use a metronome to devlope speed with it. But always start off slow, use the tips of your fingers and make sure every note is clear, don't go for speed before acuracy.

E |-----------------------------------------1-2-3-4-|
B |---------------------------------1-2-3-4---------|
G |-------------------------1-2-3-4-----------------|
D |-----------------1-2-3-4-------------------------|
A |---------1-2-3-4---------------------------------|
E |-1-2-3-4-----------------------------------------|

E |-5-4-3-2-----------------------------------------|
B |---------5-4-3-2---------------------------------|
G |-----------------5-4-3-2-------------------------|
D |-------------------------5-4-3-2-----------------|
A |---------------------------------5-4-3-2---------|
E |-----------------------------------------5-4-3-2-|

Continue on the 3rd fret and go up and down the fret board.
I will show you a couple of more excercises in my next post to develop fingering, and speed.


Related Post
Guitar Techniques - Alternate Picking Part 2

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Steve Vai For The Love Of God Video

Hi Guys

This is Steve Vai performing for the love of god live.
Some great guitar techniques in this song.

How To Improve Your Guitar Technique. Part 1

Hey Guys

Found this article recently, and thought it was worth a read!

How To Improve Your Guitar Technique. Part 1

Do you want to improve your guitar technique, play guitar cleaner, eliminate sloppy playing and unwanted string noise? Sloppy guitar technique is a very common problem. Many guitarists have been asking for solutions. This article will help you to improve your guitar technique.

There are 5 main challenges that electric guitar players must overcome in order to learn and master guitar technique. These 5 guitar technique challenges are divided into 3 groups:

1. Awareness
2. Sounds you 'want' to hear (the notes you are attempting to play cleanly)
3. Sounds you do ‘not’ want to hear (the sloppy sounds you sometimes hear such as unwanted string noise)

Today we will take a look at the first two groups. In Part 2 of this article series we'll focus on the last group of guitar technique challenges.

Focused Awareness - Many guitar players are not fully aware of every imperfection in their guitar technique. Some of these players do sense that 'something' may be wrong, but are not sure about exactly what their specific guitar technique problems are. Obviously, you cannot effectively correct a technical problem until and unless you know exactly what it is.

There are 2 main ways you can approach this:

1. Record yourself playing a something you want to improve on. Listen back (carefully) at 25%-33% speed so that you more easily identify any unclear notes, excess string noise, scratchy noises between the notes, inconsistency in your pick attack, etc.). You may or may not be able to hear everything on your own (many people simply can’t yet) and you may or may not be able to ‘correctly’ identify the cause of each imperfection present in your guitar playing. If you can that’s great, but if you’re not sure then…

2. Work with a guitar teacher to evaluate your playing and use that feedback to begin the process of making any necessary changes to your technique. Not only will a good teacher help you to play clean by telling you 'what to do', but also because he will hear problems that you may not really be hearing.

IF you have an excellent ear, you should be able to identify the fine details of your problem, if not, work with your guitar teacher.

Articulation - The First Half of Two Hand Synchronization
The second step is to focus on your articulation. Articulation is the first half of two hand synchronization. To play cleaner you need your hands to fret and pick each note at precisely the same time (simultaneously).

There are 3 critical things you need to do to improve your articulation:

1. Use a clean guitar tone when practicing (no distortion and NO effects!). Distortion and effects will mask any imperfections in your articulation, so do not practice with them when focusing on "Articulation" (the rules will change when we talk about "The Release" in the next section).

2. Play loud enough so that you can truly hear what is happening as you are playing.

3. When you are practicing something slowly MAKE SURE that you do NOT change ANYTHING about how you approach and articulate each note. Fact is, most guitar players actually play very differently when playing slow compared to when playing fast. If you change anything in the way you are articulating the notes (such as playing with a lighter touch, using a weaker or stronger pick attack, changing your hand position, pick angle etc.) you will NOT fully improve your technique because the sound you make when playing will be different and therefore harder to detect and identify any problems with your articulation.

The Release - The Second Half of Two Hand Synchronization
The third step toward cleaner playing is ‘the release’. For most guitar players 'the release' is the hardest problem to detect and correct. That’s generally because once players articulate a note cleanly, they ignore what immediately comes after (small sloppy noise in between the notes or 2 notes slightly ‘bleeding’ together.

And practicing your guitar with a ‘clean’ tone (no distortion) - as described above when focusing on articulation – almost always masks problems in the release phase of playing a note. This is why many people think their guitar playing sounds pretty clean when practicing without distortion but sense something is wrong when later playing with distortion… but they are not sure what the problem is… or worse, they actually do not hear the problem at all (but other people do). This is why focused awareness is so critical.

I use multiple steps to help my guitar students fully solve this problem (not all of which can be fully demonstrated or expressed in an article), but here are the absolutely necessary steps toward correcting problems with ‘the release’.

1. Practice your guitar WITH distortion (but NO EFFECTS!) now. (Notice, this is the exact opposite advice I gave you to identify and correct ‘articulation’ problems above).

2. Again you need to play your guitar loud enough to hear precisely what is coming out of your amplifier (other noises in the room can mask the subtle things you need to be listening for).

3. Practice slow (but as stated above, do NOT change ANYTHING in the way you articulate OR RELEASE a note compared to when you are playing fast!).

4. Listen for any subtle noise in between notes (you will probably notice a ‘scratchy sound’ just before you play the next note). If you have a hard time hearing anything then record yourself and listen back to the recording at 1/4 or 1/3 speed (I guarantee you will hear this short scratchy sound now!)

5. Now that you know what to listen for, you will probably notice it all the time whenever you listen very carefully… and THEN you are ready to being to correct the problem…

Fact is there can be several reasons why your guitar playing may not be clean during the release of a note, but the most common cause is this: When you release a note your brain is probably telling your finger to ‘lift off’ (make an upward motion away from the string you just played). This can cause all sorts of nasty technique problems (fatigue, slower guitar playing speeds, and sloppy guitar playing… among other things).

The solution is to stop your brain from sending your fingers instructions to ‘lift off; of each note and instead to simply ‘relax’. When your finger relaxes it will naturally, immediately and effortlessly ‘release’ the note you just played. There are 2 main benefits to this:

1. Because the motion is effortless, you can play faster and for a much longer time (and most importantly) with greater ease.

2. Because your brain does not give the finger the instruction to make a ‘lift off’ motion this actually prevents your finger from moving (or preparing to move) prematurely (which is a major cause of the sloppy ‘scratchy sound’ that may be present in your guitar playing.

It is now very important to realize two things. First you CAN solve these problems and improve your guitar technique. Second, it won’t happen over night, this will take time and some consistent practice (possibly over several weeks or longer). But the benefits of being able to play guitar clean are well worth the patience required.

To get more help with your guitar playing check out my 15 Free Guitar Tips.

In Part 2 of this article series we'll focus on the last group of guitar technique challenges.

About the author: Tom Hess is a professional guitarist and teaches electric guitar lessons online.

© 2009 Tom Hess Music Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Vai - For the love of God Tab

Hey Guys

Thought I would put a tab up of this great song from Steve Vai.
Will find a video and post that if you havent heard this song before.

Some great guitar techniques in this song, its a great guitar performance, especially hearing him do it live!


For the love of God
Passion and Warfare 1990

Intro/First theme (Best played on neck pickup)




(Switch to bottom pick up)





Second theme (Switch back to neck pickup)
\1/ \1/





First theme rephrased (Switch to bottom pickup)

\2.5~ \1.5/ \1.5/






Bridge/pre solo

(Pick scrape)

*Rattle whammy bar up and down repeatidly whilst picking notes*

*Rattle whammy bar up and down and hammer on notes with fretting hand*


Solo ( Uses some wah-wah here)











( * = Whammy bar gargle ,face whammy bar away from you and tap the tip to make the notes gargle )








Second Solo





* Repeat 3 times ================*





/1 /1










Guitar Techniques - Another Sweep Picking Lesson

When you are sweep picking, every note is sounded out separately, and your picking hand is moving up or down the strings in a single motion, instead of picking every note like you normally would. On these riffs, start slow until you can play each one perfectly, and then gradually play it faster. Once you can play the riff flawless, move onto the next one.

d = down stroke
u = up stroke

This is to get you used to the feeling of moving your pick up and down the drings in one motion. Each finger is taken off the fret after the note is played. So basically on this riff you never have more then one finger on the fretboard at a time.

d d d u u u

The first one introduces hammer ons and pull offs.

Many times when you are sweeping, you have a starting point using a hammer on or pull off at the top or bottom of the figure. Practice these enough to feel comfortable with using the hammer ons or pull offs.

d u d d d u d d d u

This figure is part of the intro for Bleeding Mascara, by Atreyu.

Instead of using a hammer on and pull off at the top, you are picking all of it. This is a bit more tricky on your right hand.

d d d u d u d d d u d u d d d u d u d u d u d u

This has one more string added onto it. It is a little harder, but with practice you will eventually get it, obviously. This was the first 4 string sweep I could ever play.

d u u d d d d u u

d d d d u u d d d d u u

This figure is a part of a riff from Seize the Day, by Avenged Sevenfold. In the first part of this figure, you will learn to play the notes on the same fret. To do this, you must put your finger all on the 15th fret, and roll your hand as you play it. What I mean by rolling it, is your hand will move so that your thumb will be moving up and down behind the neck. As your rolling your hand, your finger will be rolling so that it touches each string as you sweep.

u u u d d d d u u u

d d d d u u u d d d d u u u

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Guitar Techniques - Joe Satriani Modes #2

Hey Guys

Here is part 2 of Joe Satriani lessons on mode.
Once again these are some great guitar techniques.


Guitar Techniques - Joe Satriani Lesson on Modes

Hey Guys

I thought you might like to check this video out on modes, by Joe Satriani.

If you've seen it before, then you know what a great lesson this is, if not, watch and learn.
Guitar techniques at there best.


Guitar Techniques - Sweep Picking Scales

Hey Guys!

Get your fingers ready for some great sweep picking excercises.
These are just some random sweep picking scales to use, to warm up your fingers, and get your sweeping fluid.

Sweep picking is one of the hardest guitar techniques to master, but once you build up your speed, it pays off big time.

I recommend using a metronome, and starting slowly, then build up your speed. It is always best to learn all the notes and be able to play them without the tab, before trying to do super fast sweeps.

Have fun practising these sweep picking excercises!
























Major Guitar Scale

Hey Guys

The major scale is essential to learn, and we will be going into all the modes from these scales soon.

G major scale 1st position r=root note
r r r
2 4 1 2 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 2 4 1 2 4
---------- fingers used -------------

G maj 2nd position
r r
1 3 4 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 4

Gmaj 3rd position
r r
1 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 1 2 4 1 2 4

Gmaj 4th position
r r
2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3

Gmaj 5th position
r r r
1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 4


Guitar Scales - Pentatonic Guitar Scale

Hey Guys

To develope all good guitar techniques, you need to know your guitar scales. One of the first things I learnt on the guitar, after playing around with a few chords was the pentatonic guitar scale.

If you dont know any guitar scales, this is a good one to kick it off with.

The A Minor Pentatonic Guitar Scale:


The A minor pentatonic guitar scale starts on the 5th fret A on the low E string. There are 5 notes in the scale (hence the prefix "penta-"). The notes are A, C, D, E, G then the A again at the octave.

The intervals between the notes in the pentatonic guitar scale are 1.5 steps, whole step, whole step, 1.5 steps, and then one whole steps up to the octave (a half step is one fret or half tone, and a whole step is 2 frets or a whole tone).

The A Minor Blues Guitar Scale:


The A minor blues guitar scale starts on the 5th fret A on the low E string. There are 6 notes in the scale so there's just one more note then a regular penatonic guitar scale. The notes are A, C, D, D#(Eb), E, G then the A again at the octave.

Guitar scales rock, and is the basis for all guitar techniques!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another sweep picking video

Hey Guys

Heres another great example of sweeping picking, an awesome guitar technique.
Will try and get this blog set up properly soon, with a lot of guitar tabs, and lessons.

For now enjoy this guitar technique!! Sweep picking is great.

Guitar techniques - sweep picking

Here is John Petrucci demonstrating sweep picking.

A great guitar technique, that some of the greats use to demonstrate speed.
Its a hard guitar technique to get the hang of, but once you do, you will love it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tender Surrener - Steve Vai

Now heres some great guitar techniques at there best.
Another great Steve Vai performance.


Learn to Play Guitar Fast

Learn to Play Guitar Fast

by: Greg Millican
So, you’ve bought a new guitar! If you are like I was, you’ve been going to barbeques for years, having a couple of beers and watching your mates sitting around with their guitars, playing songs you’ve known for years and would love to play! So you finally spent the money and bought a guitar – now what?

You want to learn fast – so you can join in. For this article, I’m going to assume that you’re a beginner who wants basic proficiency.

I’ve done some research on this, as it was where I was, and I found a connection between people who want to “play fast” and those who already play but just want to play "faster". The connection is quite simple, yet very profound.

Through what I found out, I believe there are two parallels:

1. Study the techniques involved which will make your overall playing faster, and

2. Re-focus your practice sessions onto the basic concepts that beginners learn, which will allow you to become a faster player.

There is a useful acronym that you can use to help focus your practice and improve your playing: M.O.S.T.

M for Memorization

You can have the world's best "ear", but if you don't memorise:

a) the fretboard notes and

b) the major and minor key chords and scales,

it won't matter how good your ear is. The most frustrating thing about learning a new song is finding that chord or note that you know you've learned but just can't remember! It's funny that song writers don't give you time in the middle of their pieces to find that Aminor chord, or work out if a Db minor chord works in a song in B, and then if it does, where it is on the fretboard!

If you are a beginner - LEARN THE FRETBOARD and memorise it!

If you are more advanced - LEARN THE FRETBOARD and memorise it! You might think you already know it, but can you jump from one note or chord to any other instantly without thinking about it?

O for Observation

Human beings work best when all of the senses work in unison. Try plugging your ears with cotton wool and then trying to play a song. Not very good are you. (People like Ray Charles and Beethoven amaze me).

Your senses of sight, sound and touch all interweave to play guitar. When you play a song really well, you can even taste the applause (just kidding). The more you play, the more your fingers put themselves in the right places, your muscles retain a memory of those positions. You begin to see patterns and relationships on the fretboard. You hear yourself play the correct notes and chords and that gives you confidence, which is essential in fast playing.
Memorization is the foundation for observation, and observation is the key to training your mind and hands to work in concert automatically.

S for strength and T for training

This is not weight training! It is really dexterity training (but MODT isn't a word!). However, being dextrous means you have strength in your fingers in order to play the chords you need to play when you need to play them.

Beginners often struggle to hold down chords and play scales with all four fingers. Consistent and correct practice is the only way to build strength, muscle memory and finger dexterity.

The same problem occurs for intermediate players - the most likely culprit for slow play is a deficiency in strength, dexterity and/or correct technique.

Practise your finger exercise and chord making perfectly - don't settle for "that'll do" or "near enough". You want to train your fingers to go to the correct place in the correct way every time! Sloppy exercises will not help.
In conclusion, the key to learning guitar faster - as well as playing it faster - rests in following the M.O.S.T. formula. It really is all about getting the basics right from the start!

About The Author

Greg Millican
For free advice, lessons and downloads on guitar for beginners and intermediate players.


Learning metal guitar

Learning Metal Guitar: The Fastest and Easiest Method

by: Phil Wheatley

How many times did you feel the urge of playing the heavy metal guitar when you saw someone using his fingers to produce note that drives the entire audience crazy? How many times did you dream of playing hard rock in front of a huge audience? In addition, how many times did you think of learning the metal guitar only to drop the idea because you do not have sufficient time? Metal guitar lessons in normal music guides are not easily comprehensible unless you have some previous technical knowledge of the music, its notes and chords etc. If you never played guitar before, does not it mean that you cannot learn metal guitar unless you spend a lot of time and money on it? The answer is no.

With the introduction of a guide that is aimed at solely the beginners, learning metal guitar was never so easy. This guide does not require you to have any technical knowledge of music. You need not have any experience in music. You can use this guide to learn metal guitar in the easiest method possible. You will start playing your favorite songs with confidence in no time. The guide comes to you after a good research in the learning techniques that were discovered accidentally by the creator of the guide.

However, there is now an option for you to learn the metal guitar. You can call it a shortcut to learning the notes necessary to play the much favorite songs that you always wanted to play. This technique helps the immediate beginners with learning metal guitar chords, even if they have not played any instrument before and do not have any technical knowledge about music.

There are some websites that provides the technique which is available in form of a guide for everyone, at a minimal cost. One has to choose between the guides that may be for immediate beginners and for people who have been playing for quite a time. If you can play songs already then you may want to buy advanced guides for playing guitar even more efficiently. The guide for immediate beginners is developed in an easy to understand manner so that they can learn how to play metal guitar in no time.

It employs an easy to understand step by step instructions. The instructions are accompanied by colored illustrations so you will not have difficulty in finding the chords. Once you understand the basics of the chords, you can continue with the sequence or go straight to the chords for some of the famous songs as you go through the remaining portion of the guide.

You can start directly by learning the notes essential to play your favorite songs. The guide is a set of step-by-step instructions that help you pick up the difficult metal chords easily. It also includes several illustrations to help you achieve the results fast. You can just check out the images along with the text and learn the metals. The guide may also include videos that help you grasp the basics quickly. So choose the best guide before it is too late.

About The Author
Phil Wheatley has been playing Heavy Metal guitar for over 20 years. He has played in various bands giving occasional concerts and taught others the secrets of rock guitar lessons. For more information just visit the website of

For more shredding madness, Click Here!

Guitar Lesson – Tremelo Picking Ludicrous Speed!

Hi guys
Saw this article on recently and thought it would be great for everyone to read it.


One of the best weapons a guitarist has in the the battle to improve their playing speed is the Metronome. This small machine keeps perfect time with a series of beeps that can be configured for several purposes.

In this article I will explain the 2 most crucial settings to use on the metronome and their relationship to developing lethal shredding speed!

A Major factor to becoming truly fast is mastering tremelo picking. And guess what! Yep, our buddy the metronome is going to help us to do it.

Temelo picking is just alternate picking – down,up,down,up etc. - on one note so lets set the metronome up and get started!

Set the Metronome to 8th note triplets and adjust the tempo to a nice easy speed. Your starting tempo should be something you can play easily with no error for an extended time period. You should heara steady pulse of clicks (Tic, tic, tic – Tic, tic, tic – Tic, tic, tic – Tic, tic, tic) with a staggering feel.

Now start alternate picking in time with the clicks on the 5th fret of the large E string(note A). The clicks come in a series of 3 so I want you to play the 1st click of each group of 3 slightly louder than the other 2. This is your pulse click which needs to be in perfect time.

If your metronome has a pendulum arm or a horizontal LED display you should play the pulse note whenever the arm reaches the extreme left or right. In the case of an LED display this is the extremeleft or right LED light. It is common for metronomes to play the pulse note louder as well.

You should realize that when you hear a guitar player playing fast tremelo picking that the notes are a series of small bundles - in this case they are 3 note bundles – tied together to form a larger musical pattern. The pulse note will become familiar to you so if you solo over a song with a fast 4/4 tempo you can simply count off the pulse notes in time with the beat. A bar of tremelo picking using the above setting produces 12 notes per bar. By recognising you pulse note you only have to count from 1 to 4 to keep effective time using tremelo picking.

So now that you have a few ideas about how and why to do things you can increase the tempo speed. I like to jump up in 10bpm lots but you can use smaller amounts. The main thing to remember is not to increase the tempo by large amounts too quickly. Lets say you started at 80bpm and you executed your tremelo picking with no mistakes using relaxed alternate picking technique and economy of movement(small controlled movements). Now, bump it up to 90bpm and listen to clicks before you play anything.

Before you start you should realise that there is no difference between playing slow and fast. Its common for students to hear a faster tempo and immediately say to themselves “That's too fast I'll never do that”. And guess what? Their mind makes it true. Your mind is so powerful that it will make statements like this a reality. You should instead clear your mind of all thought and simply play.

Lets continue. Using the correct mindset above you tremelo pick perfectly at 90bpm so you would bump the tempo up to 100bpm make your mind calm and clear of distraction then go for it!

If you find that you were not able to make the jump to 90bpm then stay on 80 bpm for a day or two or even a week. If you are new to tremelo picking then you have to condition your muscles to perform the work. Training your muscles should be done at a slow tempo from 40 – 60bpm. Once this is done then attempt to increase your speed again and you will see a huge improvement.

I mentioned 2 crucial settings earlier. The 2nd is 16th notes. Set your metronome to this setting and listen to the clicks. This time you will hear bundles of 4 clicks(Tic, tic, tic, tic – Tic, tic, tic, tic – Tic, tic, tic, tic – Tic, tic, tic, tic). Lets start with a nice easy tempo say 60bpm. As before, start alternate picking on the 5th fret of the big E string(Note A). Play the pulse note slightly louder than the other 3.

The process for improving speed is the same for 16th notes as 8th note triplets.

You should practice tremelo picking separately on all 6 strings as each string has different resistence and uses the muscles in your hand differently

If you are interested in more information on my guitar teaching methods I do have an ebook available with MP3's titled Shred Lords – Neoclassical Guitar available at my website James Erceg is a full time professional guitar teacher and player.

Pentatonic Scale

Hi guys.
One of the things to learn if you want to be a great guitarist is scales.
Start with the pentatonic scale, its pretty easy to master, and very nice once you learn all the positions.

Will go into more detail about all the cool licks you can do with this scale in a future post, but for now heres a video of the pentatonic scale.

For more information about learning the pentatonic scale Click Here!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Steve Vai I'm the hell outta here

Hey guys
Another great video to check out is this one of Steve Vai playing I'm The Hell Outta Here at the Eric Clapton Crossroads Guitar Festival in 2004.

If you're not a fan of Steve Vai, then you are missing out on some great guitar performances! The way this guy plays the guitar live is ridiculous! A maestro in many ways, a true master of the guitar.

Fastest Guitar Player

I thought you might like to see this.
It looks pretty easy when you watch him do it, but the speed he gets is awesome.
Watch both hands as we will be going into these techniques as we go further into guitar techniques.